Flat Cap

Here I am posing in my flat cap, which is a little large at the moment but I'll grow into it.

Dog's basket

After evicting the dog from her basket I descided to re-arrange things a little.

Bandana Boy returns.....

and this time he has his trusty side-kick, Tasha the Timid

Angel on my shoulder?

While visiting Great Aunty Edna I'm sure I could hear voices....


Though I'm quite mobile on my hands and knees as well as "cruising" the furniture, I have other means at my disposal.

I even have time for a spot of reading while riding my rocking horse

Birthday Boy

To celebrate my birthday my Mummy made chocolate buns. I was presented with this one with a single candle stuck in it.Going...........going...........GONE!

Are you sitting comfortably? then I'll begin....

Aunty Karen stayed for tea which resulted in her reading me my favourite book

A Visit to Aunty Leanne's


We crossed the boarder into Lancashire to visit my Aunty Leanne, Uncle Lee and Cousins Reece and Mackenzie. Did you not know?

Timble Ings 25th May 2009

We walked through the plantations out onto the moorland at Timble Ings this morning. This is where we paused for snacks. I travelled all this way in the back pack on Daddy's back.