Cliff top adventure

This was my Daddy's idea of going to the sea-side.....Bempton Cliffs
I took these photos of the cliffs myself with the camera I got from my third birthday last year

 We saw loads of sea birds but didn't manage to find a good view of the puffins.

We found a spot away from the crowds to have a bite to eat

We then called in at Flamborough Head to visit the beach

Back at the car park we found another youngster

Peas are good

With the success of last year's carrots I'm growing peas this year

4th Birthday

A MASSIVE thank you to all for my birthday cards and presents.

We spent my birthday having a train fest by travelling to Leeds and then York to visit the Railway Museum. We had a great time despite the rain's best efforts to wash us away.

Grandma Barbara made me an Octonauts Cake

It had fork handles which needed blowing out

Granddad Brian got me a scooter which I just had to try out

Quote of the year contender....

My little brother wailed and my parents turned around to see me with a guilty look on my face, the interrogation revealed the following;

Parent; "what just happened?"
Me; "nothing"
Parent; "what did you do?
Me; "nothing"
Parent; "why is your brother crying?"
Me; "because he was copying me"
Parent; "what were you doing?"
Me; " exactly the same as him"

the interrogation ceased.