Hands up if you're tired

"That's my boy!" said Daddy

51 days old (7 weeks and two days) .....

and I now weigh 12lbs 4oz and have achieved the 75th centile for head measurements and weight, but my height has stayed along the 50th centile.

First Smile

One day over 6 weeks and I decided to smile at my parents. Though not as a result of my Daddy finding some backgrounds on his mobile phone camera!

Six weeks old....

At six weeks old I now weigh 11lb 4oz, but haven't yet lifted my head or smiled without wind assistance. I have moved further away from the 50th centile and am currently just a tad below half way to the 75th centile.

Nursery Mural

Here are some finished images that my Daddy has painted on my nursery wall as part of a mural

One month old

I'm one month old and I've started losing my dark birth hair. There is a hint of new hair which looks like it's blonde......

....and in the blue corner weighing in at ....

The Health Visitor called today to give Mummy and I a check up.

I'm one month old today and weigh in at 9lb 15oz. Apparently I'm taller and heavier than average at the moment, not only that my head is BIG!